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Board members & staff


Wildlife Center of the North Coast operates with a small staff & a large, dedicated team of volunteers.

Kari Henningsgaard Executive Director

Annie Cahill Volunteer Coordinator

Ginger Nealon Rehab Coordinator

Ellison Randall Wildlife Rehabilitator

Stefanie Collar Senior Wildlife Rehabilitator

Allie Kloster Development Coordinator

Melisa Colvin Bird Curator


Board of Directors

Wildlife Center of the North Coast Board of Directors are a group of talented community members volunteering their time to promote the growth of the organization. 

Eric Owen President
Melissa Keyser Treasurer
Morgan Rubanow Secretary
Terri Brock Leisle Member
Alan Quimby Member

Interested in joining the board?

Board Member Responsibilities
  • Taking care of WCNC by ensuring prudent use of all assets, including facility, people, and good will; and
    providing oversight for all activities that advance WCNC’s effectiveness and sustainability.
  • Making decisions in the best interest of WCNC; not in his or her self-interest.
  • Ensuring that WCNC obeys applicable laws and acts in accordance with ethical practices; that WCNC
    adheres to its stated corporate purposes, and that its activities advance its mission.
  • Serving as a trusted advisor to the ED as s/he develops and implements WCNC’s strategic plan
  • Reviewing outcomes and metrics created by WCNC for evaluating its impact, and regularly measuring its
    performance and effectiveness using those metrics; reviewing agenda and supporting materials prior to
    board and committee meetings
  • Contributing to an annual performance evaluation of the ED
  • Assisting the ED and Board Chair in identifying and recruiting other Board Members
  • Serving on committees
  • Being supportive of fundraising activities
  • Representing WCNC to stakeholders; acting as an ambassador for the organization
Participation Requirements

WCNC’s Board Members serve two-year terms, with the option to serve successive terms pending re-election. Regular board meetings are held monthly, with committee meetings scheduled as necessary. Board members are expected to make every effort to attend all meetings, with a minimum of 75% attendance required. Average monthly time commitments range from 3 – 6 hours.

Board Recruitment Packet

We’re looking for passionate individuals that want to donate their time and talents to helping wildlife in need. Fill out a Board Member Interest Form & a member of the Board will contact you!

Volunteer Today

Join Us in Helping Wildlife

Interested in donating your time and talents to the Wildlife Center of the North Coast? We’re always looking for more volunteers to join the team!

Volunteering Opportunities